
I got the best news today!  A nurse from the Hematology Oncology Clinic called and said, "The PETscan shows definitely signs of progress.  The spot on your liver is no longer visible and there is no sign of metastatic disease anywhere in your body."  Oh my goodness, praise the Lord!

So we've been celebrating.  After calling and texting everyone I could think of, Ryan and I took our boys, Caleb, Dad and Gramma to Applebees for dessert.  We sat around, ate food that was not on our diet, laughed and felt lighter than we had in months.  Now the boys are all in their beds and I'm just marveling at this incredible answer to prayer.  I asked what I should pray, I felt convicted to continue to pray and encouraged by all of your passionate and honest responses question, and now God has given a very clear answer to my prayers.  God has given me hope.

Dad explained it well.  He said that every time we got bad new about mom, the path before them felt like it was covered in fog.  Everything was unsure, merky, cold and scary and yet there was still a path they had to follow.  Whenever we got good news about mom, the fog lifted and the path before them felt clear, focused and like it was leading somewhere promising.  I feel like I am on the promising path.  They have searched me and found no cancer! Now, whatever I have to do is just to solidify the cancer's demise.  I no longer have to lay awake at night wondering how to explain to my five, three and nine-month-old sons that I'm not going to make it.  I know that I have trials and hard stuff still ahead, but the path before me is clear.  The wonderful part, though, is that I am here to attest that God has been carrying me this whole time, especially in the fog.  And he will continue to carry me no matter what lies ahead.

But tonight, I am claiming this victory in His name!  He has heard the cries of our hearts!  Praise the name of the Holy Father who loves his children.  Praise the name of Jesus, who weeps and cheers with us.  Praise the name of the God who is more powerful than anything this world can throw at us.  Amen.

Prayer Ponderings

I had a bit of a crisis last night.  I went on a run through my neighborhood and started trying to pray to the Lord I love.  I wanted to pray for my test results on Thursday.  I wanted to pray for my husband's big presentation.  I wanted to pray for God's will and for his comfort as I grieved for my mom.  But all that came out was sobs...lots of them.  I began to run supernaturally fast as I sobbed loudly and uncontrollably, trying to talk to God.  I'm glad no one was around.  By the end all that would come out was, "Please, Lord, tell me what to pray."

After I caught my breath and quieted my crying (somewhat), I realized that my crisis revolved around the fact that I'm not sure what I believe about prayer anymore.  I still believe it is powerful, a priviledge, a gift, an open-line of communication to our Savior, and a source of peace and strength.  But I also believe that God is sovereign, constant and has the master plan.  And I've seen lots of times when God very obviously does not answer prayer the way I would like.  I prayed with my whole heart that He would heal my mom, and then I prayed just as fervently that he would let her go from this life peacefully.  He said no to both prayers.  

A few weekends ago, I went to Women of Faith in Portland with a group of my favorite ladies.  One of the speakers challenged us to pray this prayer to God: "Anything, Lord."  She meant that we need to be able to honestly tell God that we want ANYTHING that he wants for us in our lives.  That includes challenges, trials and joys.  I felt very convicted that for me that meant telling God that I want his will to be done in my life even if that means that he is not going to heal me.  I felt a peace as I prayed that even though that is not was I want, that I could trust my Lord to take care of my boys and bring good out of my death if it came to that.

Yet now as my PETscan approaches, I wonder what to pray.  Can I pray that my scan be clear?  That I'm miraculously healed?  Or, at the very least, that the chemo is gaining ground against the cancer?  Here's the crux of my questions last night: while I believe God hears my prayers, what do they really do?

So I called my good friend and pastor, Stephen Roberts, prayed some more "Help me's" and had a long tearful talk with my husband, and while I am still not certain I have it all figured out, I do feel more steady in my conversations with God.

First of all, God wants us to bring requests to him.  Jesus gives us the example of a persistant widow in Luke 18:1-8.  He says that there was a judge in the town who didn't care about anyone, and there was a widow who came to him with the same request day-in and day-out.  Finally, the judge was so annoyed and tired of the widow that he just gave into her request.  Jesus concludes, "'And will not God bring about justice for his chosen ones, who cry out to him day and night?'"  If this judge who was a big meanie will answer the widow's request, then God who loves us enough to give up his own son for us will most certainly answer our requests.  In fact the verse leading up to that story says, "Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up" (Luke 18:1).  We should not stop bringing our requests to God.

Secondly, when the answer to our prayers is not what we want, that is not a reflection on our faith.  Jesus prays in the garden of Gethsemane the night before his death, "My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me.  Yet not as I will, but as you will" (Matthew 26:39b).  Obviously, God tells Jesus that it is not possible for the cup to be taken from him, because Jesus goes on to die on the cross.  Jesus who is sinless and the most faithful man who ever walked the earth prayed for something that he did not get.  So when the same happens to us, we have to trust that God's will and his ability to see the big picture were the reason and not our lack of faith.

With that said, I'm going to end this blog post differently than I ever have.  I always love your comments and your encouragement is a HUGE blessing to me. I also crave and treasure your prayers.  But now I'm asking for your input.  I would love to hear your thoughts about prayer.  You have all been so faithful to pray for me and bring my requests to God.  How many of you prayed that my brain would be clear of cancer?  And it was!  Praise the Lord.  But did we change that with our petitions to God?  Or was that already God's plan?  Anyway, please feel free to comment on this blog directly, on Facebook or message me if you have the time.

I'll leave you this thought that was a great nugget of wisdom from my husband last night (he really is superman!)  When I find myself in that crisis again...when I don't know what to pray, I can turn to Jesus once again and follow his example.  For he told us how to pray:

Jesus says, "'This, then, is how you should pray: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.  Give us today our daily bread.  Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.  And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one."

I will continue to talk to my Lord even when words fail me.  May you be blessed as you pray as well. 

The truth is...

The truth is that everything feels pretty sucky right now. 

I am always honest in my blog posts, but I also worry that as I strive to find meaning and joy in the midst of suffering, I don't show you all that sometimes I can't find it.  Right now I feel crushed with sadness.  Right now I want so desperately to hear my mama's voice that my chest literally aches.  Right now, I feel so physically weak and beat up that it's hard to hold my petite little baby.  I am wracked with worry over how me being sick and Grammie being gone is affecting my boys.  I am sick to my stomach with guilt over how very little I'm able to contribute to my marriage.  I don't feel brave, and right now I don't feel up for the fight, even though I know there is no way that I will give up.

I write all this not to induce you all to encourage me, because you have all been such an encouragement to me already.  I cannot number the times that I have felt lost and defeated and God has used someone's words or actions to find me and pick me up.  I write this so that you all can know that when I feel like the truth is that everything sucks, I actually know that something else is really true. 

You see, God knows that I think this sucks, for I can say to him, "O Lord, you have searched me and you know me.  You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar.  You discern my going out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my ways.  Before a word is on my tongue you know it completely, O Lord...Where can I go from your spirit?  Where can I flee from your prescence? If I go up to the depths, you are there. If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of sea, even there you hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast"  (Psalm 139:1-10).

I feel as though I am adrift on the far side of the sea--actually more like way down under the crushing water.  But God's hand has not left me. He, who knows my thoughts and my ways, never abandones me when things serioulsy suck...He just guides me and holds me fast.

If you are feeling beaten up and far from joy, please know that the truth is...you are absolutely surrounded by the author of joy, and I believe we will be able to see outside of our sorrow soon.